Choosing the right OTR tyre for your vehicle is one of the most important factors that determine tyre life. If a tyre is selected with a deviating TKPH marking, the tyre wear will drastically increase and the overall cost of transport will increase. If you calculate TKPH correctly, your tyres will last like they are meant to and maybe even longer!

What is OTR Tyres TKPH/TMPH?

TKPH is the abbreviation of Ton Kilometer Per Hour ( TMPH means Ton Mile Per Hour).

The Ton Kilometer per Hour faction is of great assistance in determining the suitability of a tyre for an operation. The following factors must be borne in mind with regards the TKPH factor when selecting a tyre Maximum operating TKPH should not exceed the tyre TKPH rating. The average operating TKPH to be calculated after several checks, and should not exceed the tyre TKPH rating.

The TKPH rating are applicable in following situations:

To all standard, heat or cut-resistance tyres
Ambient temperature less than 38℃
Maximum trip distance less than 5 km
Maximum speed of 50 km/hour

TKPH Adjustments

The TKPH factor is influenced by heat. When the heat in the tyre increases due to abnormal conditions such as high ambient temperature, speed and overloading the TKPH should be reduced. Similarly adjustments to the TKPH can be made if the ambient temperature or the speeds are low.

TKPH Conversion Factors

For temperatures in excess of 38℃ – The TKPH should be reduced by approximately 2% for each degree rise above 38℃
For temperatures lower than 38℃ – The TKPH should be increase by approximately 1% for each degree below 38℃


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